Category Archives: Discipline

Todays physical exercise.

A concept2 ski erg heart rate rattler. Decent as I was sore as fook from....

Enthusiasm. Be sick and twisted: it works.

Life requires enthusiasm. When a person is enthusiastic, they demonstrate a deep interest, enjoyment, and....

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Friday May 26th. Discipline and Motivation.

Friday thoughts. The Power of Discipline and or Motivation. We often hear about the importance....


Silence is golden. Silence is all rather goooochi nowadays and called meditation. You can use....


Comedy Gold.

Comedy, laughter, banter. If you do not laugh at yourself you are missing out on....


This is a run that is tremendous fun. It is in places a walk as....

Suffering. To grow or not to grow this is the question.

Do you want to feel great mentally and physically? Consider how you treat both engine....

Laughter. You gotta laugh.

Some will think: HUH Some will laugh.   Remember: Create your own pain to test....

Some days are just mad. Some weeks are just mad.

Reflection is a great thing. Not living in the past. But being able to reflect....

Think and Grow Rich. A book worth a read.

Napoleon Hill was an American author and motivational speaker who is widely known for his....