Tag Archives: life and chocolate

It is that time to start considering 2024

It is time to take stock on 2023. Did I achieve what I set out....

Jogging in the rain.

Today I ran 15km. It was wet underfoot. The wonderful bright yellow and orange autumnal....

Being the odd one out is maybe right. .it is them that are odd

Sheep, sheep, sheep. Sides, sides, oh what side are you on? Sometimes the art of....

The weekends did the damage. Tick tock

This was so true. Years of Friday beer, Thursday beer in the gulf.  I created....

Sunday extra phys. .

Comedy value ski. Went back for session 2 of the day. 30 mins concept2 ski....

Monday fun – Never miss a Monday!

Mondays can be tough or fun or both. You are either excited for the day....

Just remember this: You could look like me. .

No one cares but so many smile and laugh.I know I bring a moment of....

Enthusiasm. Be sick and twisted: it works.

Life requires enthusiasm. When a person is enthusiastic, they demonstrate a deep interest, enjoyment, and....

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Suffering. To grow or not to grow this is the question.

Do you want to feel great mentally and physically? Consider how you treat both engine....

Feeling good 5 days out of 10 seems like a decent outcome.

I have strived for as long as I remember to wake up and be feeling....