Category Archives: Ccomedy Gold

Comedy. Banter

The more I learn about people the more I like my dog.  

Pocket size marmite lip therapy rocks.

No words. Marmite #marmite


First full day at the graft.. A solid year past and a solid year inbound.

Petrol heads get it. .

The toy is in for an engine makeover in 2 weeks and a bodywork makeover....

Tuesday – Word of the day. Dimwit

A lovely word. It means so much to me. 1989 I first heard this word.....


I googled the meaning of comedy and found this. Comedy often relies on various techniques....

Just remember this: You could look like me. .

No one cares but so many smile and laugh.I know I bring a moment of....

Comedy gold.

Comedy gold. I loved those escorts as a kid. Remember: No one understands. No one....

Age 12 humour.

The mind really thinks I am like 24. The humour is probably 22 military banter....