Tag Archives: funny

Fat cells have eternal life. . .

Or is it the quantity of food I consume. . .  

Turn back time to the ultimate funny. .

I Still laugh at this even though I know what is coming… Covid pick one.....


Am I losing faith in society?

Sometimes I just sit and wonder in amazement.

If they only had a brain.

Most days this is me. Way past caring if it is rude. What has happened....

I took this passing through KSA in 2010

Plastic cups rocked. Coffee was decent. Follow me on: Twitter @andyroper813 Telegram www.t.me/andyroper  

The best thing about being older….There is some high jinx proof but not a lot. .

This is so true. I am over 50 though. . Imagine the antics we got....

Good Morning. . .

Comedy gold. I dare you to smirk at this. Decent that.  



I googled the meaning of comedy and found this. Comedy often relies on various techniques....

Age 12 humour.

The mind really thinks I am like 24. The humour is probably 22 military banter....