Tag Archives: journey

Anyone else got 3 or more books on the go at the same time?

Over the weekend I found myself looking at my desk and clocking that I have....

Taking a pause.

Wise words are few and far between in life and they show up just on....

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The labradoodle rescue mutt.

Sometimes playing the long game is just the way it must be. The level of....

It is true, no one cares.

No one cares. People judge everyone good or bad. Then move back into their heads....

The recipe.

Through many mistakes over my 50-plus years on this now rather strange planet I have....

Death is guaranteed.

Death is something that comes to us all. There are those that understand death as....

Thought – Discipline

Discipline: In my mind, it is doing the small stuff repeatedly even when you really....

today was a real drama. .

When you know you know. The drama of traffic. Remember: No one cares. Comedy gold.

Monday 13th Feb 2023 – Thought.

I would rather die of exhaustion than boredom. No idea where I heard this but....