Tag Archives: exercise

Running and recovery at age 52. .

Running at 52. Recovery from running at any age, but especially at 52, involves a....

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Aiming at a something works. .

Life is chaos sometimes and the last 4 months have been flat out at the....

Rest week from the phys was decent.

I had a rest week last week and decided to simply just walk every day.....

The weeks adventures.

What a 9 days of stop this has been. I am ready and excited to....

8 weeks of physical exercise.

Feb 12 – 18th Ski x2 Walking 17km Feb 19th – 25th Weights x2 Walking....

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Jogging in the rain.

Today I ran 15km. It was wet underfoot. The wonderful bright yellow and orange autumnal....

The legs…

and SLEEP. .

Sunday extra phys. .

Comedy value ski. Went back for session 2 of the day. 30 mins concept2 ski....

Monday fun – Never miss a Monday!

Mondays can be tough or fun or both. You are either excited for the day....