Category Archives: Lesson


What a lovely word. The dictionary describes it as: Consistency refers to the quality or....

4 great races.

4 great races. The Marathon Des Sables. Morocco The Jungle Marathon. Brazil TMBT – The....

When life gives you shit.

Life is not a straight line. I have learned this the hard way. So many....

Sunday Funday.

I washed the car. Cut the grass. Watered the grass. I filled up the bird....

Reality checks!

Life works and life does not work. At times a reality check is simply needed.....

Tuesday – Word of the day. Dimwit

A lovely word. It means so much to me. 1989 I first heard this word.....

Friday May 26th. Discipline and Motivation.

Friday thoughts. The Power of Discipline and or Motivation. We often hear about the importance....


Silence is golden. Silence is all rather goooochi nowadays and called meditation. You can use....


Comedy Gold.

Comedy, laughter, banter. If you do not laugh at yourself you are missing out on....

Suffering. To grow or not to grow this is the question.

Do you want to feel great mentally and physically? Consider how you treat both engine....