Category Archives: Lesson

Taking a pause.

Wise words are few and far between in life and they show up just on....

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When the Shadows Whisper Listen and Learn.

Remember the shadows tell a story. You can listen and not learn. or Listen and....

The Television

A few years ago I realised that I actually spend more time swearing at the....

It is that time to start considering 2024

It is time to take stock on 2023. Did I achieve what I set out....

The voices in your head. .

Every day you graft and find your way to the room of sleep at some....

Congruency, reignite the why.

The ramble here today is about congruency and lazyites. Congruency = the quality of being....

Short term kicks without thinking long term gains. .

Wow, that beer is good. Wow, those crisps are great. Wow, that rustler burger is....

When the shadows whisper listen and learn.

I read this many years ago. I saw it in Greece many years later. It....

The recipe.

Through many mistakes over my 50-plus years on this now rather strange planet I have....