Category Archives: Lesson

Laughter. You gotta laugh.

Some will think: HUH Some will laugh.   Remember: Create your own pain to test....

Some days are just mad. Some weeks are just mad.

Reflection is a great thing. Not living in the past. But being able to reflect....

Feeling good 5 days out of 10 seems like a decent outcome.

I have strived for as long as I remember to wake up and be feeling....

Think and Grow Rich. A book worth a read.

Napoleon Hill was an American author and motivational speaker who is widely known for his....

Wednesday weights day – Back

Wednesday weights. Recovery nowadays at 51 is pretty brutal. My brain still believes I am....

Bright side of life.

Life: We are born. We die at some point. In between some live a great....


When life is rocking along and all things are groovy I live. When life is....

You become who you surround yourself with. .

This quote has some true comedy gold and some pretty serious stuff behind it. Find....

Thought – Discipline

Discipline: In my mind, it is doing the small stuff repeatedly even when you really....

The gym and trap 3.

The gym and trap 3. Yes…I do work hard in trap 3 especially before squatting....