Category Archives: Phys

Tool of the day. .

Shit is getting serious when this tool comes out of the running bag. . What....

The mental battle.

Up at 0600hrs. I have to run today. 65 MINS of the voice in my....

Wednesday physical exercise.

The first jog back after popping the calf a month back. I spent 30 mins....

4 great races.

4 great races. The Marathon Des Sables. Morocco The Jungle Marathon. Brazil TMBT – The....

Sunday Funday.

I washed the car. Cut the grass. Watered the grass. I filled up the bird....

Todays physical exercise.

A concept2 ski erg heart rate rattler. Decent as I was sore as fook from....


This is a run that is tremendous fun. It is in places a walk as....

Friday night bank holiday beer. . 5th May

Beer is a treat nowadays. Why? I have drunk my way through barrel loads all....

Feeling good 5 days out of 10 seems like a decent outcome.

I have strived for as long as I remember to wake up and be feeling....

The joy of running.

Movement. One foot in front of the other. I always think of that as life.....