Tag Archives: learning

Sunday Funday.

I washed the car. Cut the grass. Watered the grass. I filled up the bird....

Reality checks!

Life works and life does not work. At times a reality check is simply needed.....

Enthusiasm. Be sick and twisted: it works.

Life requires enthusiasm. When a person is enthusiastic, they demonstrate a deep interest, enjoyment, and....

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Friday May 26th. Discipline and Motivation.

Friday thoughts. The Power of Discipline and or Motivation. We often hear about the importance....


Silence is golden. Silence is all rather goooochi nowadays and called meditation. You can use....


Comedy Gold.

Comedy, laughter, banter. If you do not laugh at yourself you are missing out on....

Some days are just mad. Some weeks are just mad.

Reflection is a great thing. Not living in the past. But being able to reflect....

Bright side of life.

Life: We are born. We die at some point. In between some live a great....

Thought – Discipline

Discipline: In my mind, it is doing the small stuff repeatedly even when you really....

Monday 13th Feb 2023 – Thought.

I would rather die of exhaustion than boredom. No idea where I heard this but....