Feb 12 – 18th
Ski x2
Walking 17km
Feb 19th – 25th
Weights x2
Walking 18.5km
Feb 26th – March 3rd
Weights x1
Walking 38.5km
March 4th to March 10th
Walking 34.5km
March 11 to 17TH
3 Weights
2 Ski
Walk 33.5 km
March 18th to 24th
Weights x2
Ski x1
Walking 39.6km
March 25th to 31st
3 Weights
1 Ski TT.
Walking – 35.3km
April 1st – 7th
2 Weights
1 Ski TT
Walking 38.4km
255.3km of walking.
13 Weights at Gym
7 Skis.
Walking is about right.
Ski skills maintained and TT has improved.
Weights need to be 3 sessions a week.
8-week plan:
Add in some runs now starting at 1 a week and building up to 2 a week over the next 8 weeks.
Build up to 3 skis a week.
Hit 3 Weights a week minimum.
Eat breakfast after a heavy training day.
More water as this has been poor.
21.30 bed.
0450hrs up with the larks to walk daily.
Not tooooooo shabby that. Walking has been really good and I have lost some weight and HR has hit 49 overnight once and an average of 54 overnight for 8 weeks.
I love a nap at the weekend!!
I always remember no one cares, just get on with what the eff I want.
Love this brother ❤️