Tag Archives: No one cares

Sunday Funday.

I washed the car. Cut the grass. Watered the grass. I filled up the bird....

Reality checks!

Life works and life does not work. At times a reality check is simply needed.....

Tuesday – Word of the day. Dimwit

A lovely word. It means so much to me. 1989 I first heard this word.....

Todays physical exercise.

A concept2 ski erg heart rate rattler. Decent as I was sore as fook from....

Comedy Gold.

Comedy, laughter, banter. If you do not laugh at yourself you are missing out on....

Some days are just mad. Some weeks are just mad.

Reflection is a great thing. Not living in the past. But being able to reflect....

Friday night bank holiday beer. . 5th May

Beer is a treat nowadays. Why? I have drunk my way through barrel loads all....

Feeling good 5 days out of 10 seems like a decent outcome.

I have strived for as long as I remember to wake up and be feeling....

Some Soundcloud that is worth a listen by the DJ Toyskii. Quite like these tunes.

No one cares.. This is decent though from the Toyskii https://soundcloud.com/toyskii/sets/friday-blends-2023?si=3421f63ced68434ba70ccceeafc114af&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing....

Think and Grow Rich. A book worth a read.

Napoleon Hill was an American author and motivational speaker who is widely known for his....