Tag Archives: motivation

Monday fun – Never miss a Monday!

Mondays can be tough or fun or both. You are either excited for the day....

Each person perceives reality uniquely.

Celebrate the beauty of individuality and the diverse perspectives that make our world fascinating. Fascinating....

Thinking. .

Thinking is deep. Not thinking is dangerous. Find the space between the two. . Kind....


What a lovely word. The dictionary describes it as: Consistency refers to the quality or....


Or Adequate Decent Fair Good Gratifying Satisfying Solid Suitable Tolerable Valid. Most people set goals....

Tool of the day. .

Shit is getting serious when this tool comes out of the running bag. . What....

The mental battle.

Up at 0600hrs. I have to run today. 65 MINS of the voice in my....

This is me.

No one cares geezer.....

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It is just a whim away…

You know you are going to sing this for an hour or two now! #memes....

Today’s physical exercise involved a mountain and a sunrise.

Sometimes getting up super early or not even going to bed like last night is....