Category Archives: No One Cares

As it feel like an oven today:

This was taken in 2008. The 23rd Marathon Des Sables. It was hot in the....

The weekends did the damage. Tick tock

This was so true. Years of Friday beer, Thursday beer in the gulf.  I created....

Short term kicks without thinking long term gains. .

Wow, that beer is good. Wow, those crisps are great. Wow, that rustler burger is....

If they only had a brain.

Most days this is me. Way past caring if it is rude. What has happened....

Running TMBT Borneo in 2015

#borneo #sea #clouds #kinabalu Borneo broke me. Kinabalu was amazing and the people were fantastic.....

When the shadows whisper listen and learn.

I read this many years ago. I saw it in Greece many years later. It....

Sunday pain cave

Saturday Ski – 2 hours. Nice and steady. I thought this would be a pain....

Running and HR and the modern tools I use.

Running. Looking back when I started training for the Marathon Des Sables in 2006, I....

Sunday extra phys. .

Comedy value ski. Went back for session 2 of the day. 30 mins concept2 ski....

The R53 mini. How Chat GPT describes the vehicle.

The R53 Mini Cooper S, also known as the second-generation Mini Cooper S, was introduced....