Category Archives: No One Cares

The support dogs mind is blown..

Yeah man. How true is this! #banter....

Monday fun – Never miss a Monday!

Mondays can be tough or fun or both. You are either excited for the day....

Each person perceives reality uniquely.

Celebrate the beauty of individuality and the diverse perspectives that make our world fascinating. Fascinating....

I smashed Fan Y Big today

Mange tout mange tout friends. Today I smashed Fan Y Big. Or Did she smash....

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The best thing about being older….There is some high jinx proof but not a lot. .

This is so true. I am over 50 though. . Imagine the antics we got....

Red alloys matter. .

This R53 mini was born in July 2002. Built 2002-07-04 Registered 2002-07-29 Number 1474. She....


What a lovely word. The dictionary describes it as: Consistency refers to the quality or....

Pizza Burger = Burger King = Doha

This feast was an utter joy. I destroyed the lot. Yes pretty shabby after it.....

Tool of the day. .

Shit is getting serious when this tool comes out of the running bag. . What....

The ability to insult stupid people..

Try hard not to be stupid…....