Tag Archives: chocolate

Suffering. To grow or not to grow this is the question.

Do you want to feel great mentally and physically? Consider how you treat both engine....

Laughter. You gotta laugh.

Some will think: HUH Some will laugh.   Remember: Create your own pain to test....

Some days are just mad. Some weeks are just mad.

Reflection is a great thing. Not living in the past. But being able to reflect....

Friday night bank holiday beer. . 5th May

Beer is a treat nowadays. Why? I have drunk my way through barrel loads all....

Feeling good 5 days out of 10 seems like a decent outcome.

I have strived for as long as I remember to wake up and be feeling....

Thought of the day. 26th April 2023

We have all been there. Especially in the office bogs. . No one cares. #noonecares....

The joy of running.

Movement. One foot in front of the other. I always think of that as life.....

Friday. 14th April. Comedy gold.

No words. Remember: No one cares. #comedygold #banter #humour....

Bright side of life.

Life: We are born. We die at some point. In between some live a great....

Bingo night. My kind of night.

Gotta love bingo night. Bring back bingo night.   Remember: NO one cares. !!  ....