Oura Ring stats for the last 5 Years

I have had the Oura ring since May 18th 2020.

Oura Ring. www.ouraring.com

Being a bit of a stats nerd I purchased the ring.

I shall break the informatiion down into 6 separate posts so it is not like war and peace.

Blog 1 = Sleep Score

Blog 2 = Readiness Score

Blog 3 = Heart rate Variability

Blog 4 = Respiratory Rate

Blog 5 = Resting Heart Rate

Blog 6 = Thoughts versus my Training peaks info, Garmin info, my general health versus how I use or take notice of the information the ring gives me daily.


Sleep Score. 

Below is my average sleep score by years.

Scored from 0 – 100 it is an overall measure of how well I have slept.

Oura score the numbers as:

85 or over is optimal.

70-84 is good.

60-69 is fair

Under 60 is pay attention.


My average score by year:

2020: 75

2021: 77

2022: 78

2023: 76

2024: 76


So I fall into the good range or as Oura say your overall sleep quality is good.



#blog #ouraring

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