Category Archives: Stuff

Thought – Discipline

Discipline: In my mind, it is doing the small stuff repeatedly even when you really....

How I end up driving the r53. .

So the R53 came out to play…. A sensible drive around the hills I said.....

Fighting the flow – thought.

The way the water runs down a hill. A trickle to a stream to a....

Cabbages: Special.

#comedygold It is banter. It is actually nature. Yes: Laugh. You are allowed. Laughter changes....

Never go full retard on your birthday Mildred….

Comedy gold. 76. Deep. Yes it is banter….#comedygold....


A woman that understands the sign of a stroke..

Remember no one cares......

windy miller

SBD. I stood up and it was NOT silent. Remember: Everyone gives a shit when....

The wood chopper is out.

Barry lives!! Remember: No one cares. #comedygold  ....

nothing worse than a bad back- or is there??

I can think of some things!! Remember. No one cares.    ....

I am not my thoughts.

Light bulb. Light bulb. Light bulb. I am not my thoughts. My thoughts are f**cked....