Category Archives: Stuff

Employee of the month.

No one cares. You will care when you get a barrel load of shit for....

Pop Quiz

You finish in the gymnasium after pretending you are physically able. You go to the....

The joy of running.

Movement. One foot in front of the other. I always think of that as life.....

I will just introduce myself to the group. .

Remember: No one cares.....

Last weeks physical exercise – WK 16

Decent week of phys: 24km walk in the brecons. A decent ski. Weights 3x Couple....

Thursday Night jogging at midnight.

This is more about the mental reward of doing in my head than the physical....

Wednesday weights day – Back

Wednesday weights. Recovery nowadays at 51 is pretty brutal. My brain still believes I am....

Chat GPT – why is bacon so good ?

Bacon is often considered to be delicious because of its unique combination of salty, savoury,....

Bright side of life.

Life: We are born. We die at some point. In between some live a great....