Category Archives: Thought

Prehistoric Googling

How true is this? Life was oh so different before the golden age of the....

Some people understand: the pfunk.

Dog Star (Fly On) Get Off Your Ass and Jam 

Super Stupid Pole Power 


I took this passing through KSA in 2010

Plastic cups rocked. Coffee was decent. Follow me on: Twitter @andyroper813 Telegram  ....


Tuesday’s thoughts after reading the book: In pursuit of Excellence. How to win in sport....

1 Comment

Basically yes, this is me.

No one cares man.....

Each person perceives reality uniquely.

Celebrate the beauty of individuality and the diverse perspectives that make our world fascinating. Fascinating....

Thinking. .

Thinking is deep. Not thinking is dangerous. Find the space between the two. . Kind....


What a lovely word. The dictionary describes it as: Consistency refers to the quality or....

Pizza Burger = Burger King = Doha

This feast was an utter joy. I destroyed the lot. Yes pretty shabby after it.....


Or Adequate Decent Fair Good Gratifying Satisfying Solid Suitable Tolerable Valid. Most people set goals....