Category Archives: Thought
The symphony of tinnitus
The symphony that is tinnitus. The ringing. The whistling. The constant fire alarm. The noise....
Jogging in the rain.
Today I ran 15km. It was wet underfoot. The wonderful bright yellow and orange autumnal....
Thinking is the fooo***er
Monge tout. Thinking is the fooker for me. I have 2 skills when it....
Being the odd one out is maybe right. .it is them that are odd
Sheep, sheep, sheep. Sides, sides, oh what side are you on? Sometimes the art of....
The conductor. .
Life has its ups and downs. Conduct your own orchestra. Fathom the instruments that need....
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Consistency. A word that I really love = Consistency. At times I have suffered from....
Week 37. 2023. Word of the week is pareidolia
Week 37. 2023. Word of the week. 52 words per year. Language is a great....
The weekends did the damage. Tick tock
This was so true. Years of Friday beer, Thursday beer in the gulf. I created....