Category Archives: Motivation

How I end up driving the r53. .

So the R53 came out to play…. A sensible drive around the hills I said.....

Cabbages: Special.

#comedygold It is banter. It is actually nature. Yes: Laugh. You are allowed. Laughter changes....

Never go full retard on your birthday Mildred….

Comedy gold. 76. Deep. Yes it is banter….#comedygold....


A woman that understands the sign of a stroke..

Remember no one cares......

Sleep on the sofa boys?

More people than you can even imagine you know get this.. No one cares. Off....

today was a real drama. .

When you know you know. The drama of traffic. Remember: No one cares. Comedy gold.....

The dog and doorbell..

The doorbell and the dog......

Monday 13th Feb 2023 – Thought.

I would rather die of exhaustion than boredom. No idea where I heard this but....