Tag Archives: life

Never go full retard on your birthday Mildred….

Comedy gold. 76. Deep. Yes it is banter….#comedygold....


A woman that understands the sign of a stroke..

Remember no one cares......

windy miller

SBD. I stood up and it was NOT silent. Remember: Everyone gives a shit when....

Thought – Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm. A great word in my mind. I have been told I am enthusiastic about....

the last prize I won

The last competition I entered was in 2019. Love a bead. No one cares.  ....

Mary had a little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb.. HAD!....

I ran the hot water for her tonight.

Yes, I ran the hot water tonight. . A world of pain. .....

Friday….My skills are improving. .


old but gold. Poor fella

Old one this. Been around the block a few times back and forth when the....

Trumpy Tuesday..

No idea who pinged this over. You do deserve all the credit in the world....

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