Category Archives: Ccomedy Gold

Thought provoking..

Probably should be the other way round..or should it…. Wife to the husband. Comedy gold.....

today was a real drama. .

When you know you know. The drama of traffic. Remember: No one cares. Comedy gold.....

the last prize I won

The last competition I entered was in 2019. Love a bead. No one cares.  ....

The dog and doorbell..

The doorbell and the dog......

Mary had a little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb.. HAD!....

I ran the hot water for her tonight.

Yes, I ran the hot water tonight. . A world of pain. .....

Friday….My skills are improving. .


old but gold. Poor fella

Old one this. Been around the block a few times back and forth when the....

Oh what fun was had with the Jaffa cakes.

You can only love jaffa cakes, #jaffacakes....